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Connect with your family & people around the world with same talents and wishes.

Showcase your talent, make wishlists and build your family tree in my pageantry. Boost your hobby/interest and get your confusion solved here, your routine work might be your talent. Identify it here and Uncover some hidden talents from your routine work.

Everything you do and love to do is your talent in your own way. My Pageantry is a platform to showcase your such talents to the world. Your such talent can be a wish for someone and on My Pageantry it’s easy and fun to create your personal wishlist. You can associate your wishes with your loved ones to see your wishes getting fulfilled. It gives a way to connect with seen and unseen parts of your family. Add your parents, grandparents and other relatives to grow your family tree on My Pageantry on the go.

Use My Pageantry to:

Connect with your friends and family
Post: photos, videos and audios of your favourite memories.
Get notification when friends and families like and comment on your post.
Get your confusion solved by your family and friends.
Showcase your routine activity as talents.
Get rewarded for your talents by collecting crowns on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
Make your wishlist and associate with your friends and family.
Make your family tree on the go. Explore your roots, find new relatives and make amazing discoveries.
Create Group of people to gather to do, explore, teach and learn the things that help them come alive.
Event: to create events and to find local events and to make the plans to meet up with friends and family.

· Pageantry
Pageantry Group
· Crown
Pageantry Awards
· Wishlist
Wishlist Group
Associate User
Target Date
· Family Tree
Connected Trees
Family Group
· Confusion
· Friends
· Groups
· Events
· Chat

So download My Pageantry and try it out now!